Sunday, April 8, 2012

Can I get a permanent eyeliner tattooed on my eyelid? Or possibly dye my eyelashes?

That cosmetic artist better have the steadiest hands you've ever seen in your life!  I can't say there's anything wrong with these ideas except for making sure your artist is really good.  Do the research, go on yelp and talk to different artist and see their work.  

It's really just another part of your skin that you're adding ink when you tattoo eyeliner.  Keep in mind though, the skin near the eye is extremely thin compared to the rest of the body.  There can be infections if the needle isn't sterile and/or allergic reaction to the ink.  I'd suggest a small dot first to make sure your body will not react.  Remember this is permanent and your skin will give into gravity at some point, so think well before choosing the color and design.  

Eyelashes tinting is something I've witnessed.  A friend of mine was blonder then blond, her almost white eyelashes were always causing light sensitivity issues for her  She would dye her lashes dark brown every so often to help reduce her discomfort.  Brilliant idea I thought!  But what about a chemical burn if the dye entered the eye, causing permanent damage that can lead to blindness.  She assured me it was peroxide free dye and vaseline was apply beforehand, so much safer.  So I would suggest using a dye that doesn't contain any harsh chemicals and make sure the trained professional knows how to safely apply it.  Allergic reactions can also occur in these instances, so make sure to do a test before applying on all the lashes.  

See and Be Seen! at Eyed LA Optometry in Brentwood, West Los Angeles

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